Another One

CRank: 5Score: 14340

I see 3D as a very expensive flop. It's going to take quite a bit to convince me that it's worth any kind of investment what so ever. Especially in the gaming department. I'm just not convinced at all that this is worth it. Seems gimmicky.

5375d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

We'll get a cover reveal on the 9th, but we wont get any real info until the issue gets into subscribers. Sometime around the 10th or 11th.

I will definitely be picking up a copy at Gamestop.

5376d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't need convincing. I got one for Christmas and of course I love it. Uncharted is a beast. These blogs suck either way. Why should you try to convince someone that they need to buy a different console? You don't gain anything. Oh well, I know none of this is going to get through to anyone. And of course you could be doing this just to do it and not be a rabid fanboy at all. I won't assume either way. I just don't like these kinds of blogs.

Enjoy what you have and if you deci...

5377d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The beta is growing on me a bit, but it really isn't that good. It's not a terrible game, but the only thing special about it is the amount of players. Everything else about it is average or below average. You can have some fun, but it's nothing close to great.

5377d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now that is pretty damn awesome.

5377d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha holy hell that's ridiculous (also pre-patch)! I'm certainly not questioning that there are glitches, I just don't think it's quite as prevalent or game ruining as some people say. Sure you could run into problems, but personally, I haven't. And I guarantee most people who do run into it don't run into it enough to make it a hindrance to their overall experience.

5379d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had a bit of fun while I played this afternoon, but I don't see myself buying this. Bad Company 2 will be way better and I already have MW2. I honestly didn't like the controls much. They were intuitive and easy to pick up, but there was something off. Maybe I need to play a little more. Something just feels off. I'll give it another shot tomorrow and see how it goes. (if any server problems are fixed.)

5379d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know about you guys, but I don't run into glitchers very often or ever. I play the game, have some fun, and then turn it off. Never once has a game of MW2 been ruined because of a glitcher. If it's actually ruining your experince (Actual glitching. not you crying because you lost) then you have a complaint, if it isn't ruining your experience then quit your bltching.

5379d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Of course MS doesn't need Reach to survive 2010. Will Reach help tremendously? Hell yeah it will. There's no denying it will be the best selling 360 game next year.

GT5 will probably be #1 in sales. The Japanese will eat it up along with everyone else and they don't like Halo or the 360 much. Common sense.

5380d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I like this. I did a paper in college on violent video games and violence in teens. There really is no correlation between the two. Certain people are already wired that way. No amount of violent video games made them that way. You can be taught to be a bad person but games alone aren't enough. People want to blame anything but themselves and their surroundings on their problems.

5381d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh sweet. I just got my PS3 for Christmas so I missed out on the closed beta. I'd like to get in on the public beta so this is good news. 256 players seems a little too hectic, but I'd like to see for myself.

Ok I found the article about it and it doesn't official start until the 4th. So just a couple more days.

5382d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 is tops for me. I probably have spent more time with that than any other game. I would also have Oblivion in there. Good list though.

5382d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh man, I forgot about that. Only 2 weeks from now till we get a lot of info on this game. (a lot for Bungie that is.)

5382d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok I understood giving MW2 overall GOTY, but not giving it best PS3 game. UC2 is the best game on the PS3. MW2 is a beast on two consoles and you can make a case for overall GOTY, but not best PS3 game. This is clearly not the right choice.

5383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Boy I bet Naughty Dog takes criticism far better than their fans do. Yes it's a small gripe, but a gripe that could make the next Uncharted even closer to perfection. As long as a gripe isn't baseless then it's possible that it could help make the next installment better.

Absolutely love UC2, but some things could be improved on.

5383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unlike a lot of people I enjoyed MW2's single player. It was pretty intense. Multiplayer has held me a lot longer than most games also.

Now I've been playing UC2 and it is an amazing game but if someone else had more fun and stayed with MW2 longer then I can see it being their GOTY.

Just because it's not your GOTY doesn't mean it isn't to someone else.

5383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kind of like you're doing with your moronic comments?

5383d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

He's just upset that the gender of all the characters isn't in question like in JRPG's.

5383d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

Of course it's fully playable in some form. They have been developing it for over 2 years now. I guarantee it's not in any way, shape, or form close to being done. Games are always fully playable pretty early.

I know people are freaking out about this because ODST was done so far before release, but it doesn't seem to be the same thing with Reach. Being playable now doesn't mean it'll be done months before release. People forget Halo 3 was announced to be fully playable long bef...

5383d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

It will be the year gamers have their wallets dominated. I've got both a PS3 and 360 so I'm going to have a rough time deciding which of the amazing games on both consoles to get.

5383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment